
Mouse Fall Captured Over 4 Million Eyes

Video Highlights Instagram:

Plays: 4.7 Million

Accounts Reached: 1.6 Million

Likes: 28.3K

Shares: 116

Saves: 340

Follows: 819

Video Highlights Facebook:

Plays: 1.8 Million

Accounts Reached: 1 Million

Likes: 1.6K

Video Highlights TikTok:

Plays: 72.7K

Accounts Reached: 48K

This video has garnered remarkable engagement across both Instagram and Facebook platforms. With 4.7 million plays on Instagram and 1.8 million on Facebook, our content has reached over 1.6 million and 1 million accounts, respectively.

The substantial likes, shares, saves, and follows reflect the resonance of our content with our audience, showcasing its widespread appeal and effectiveness in driving engagement. These impressive metrics underscore the success of our video strategy in captivating and connecting with our viewers across social media platforms


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